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Graduate Courses

Advanced Solid State Physics 1

Advanced Solid State Physics 2

Advanced Condensed Matter

Main texts:

1-Berry Phases in Electronic Structure Theory:
Electric Polarization, Orbital Magnetization, and Topological Insulators by David Vanderbilt

2-Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods by Richard M. Martin

Topics covered in this course are

Invariance and Quantization of Charges and Current

Review of Electronic Structure Theory

Berry Phases and Curvatures

Electric Polarization

Topological Insulators and Semimetals

Orbital Magnetization

For more details see the related page on


Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics



ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی

Graduate Courses | Ismaeil Abdolhosseini Sarsari


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